Growing Pains of a Burgeoning Market
June 13
  |  Carbon Market

Ecosystem Marketplace recently released their report, “State of the Voluntary Carbon Market 2024: On the Path to Maturity,” which details the latest trends within the market. The report detailed a significant downturn in the market last year, but details an increasingly complex landscape, with some market segments showing growth as others fell. In this Commentary, […]

Shades of REDD+
Without Projects, Jurisdictional REDD+ Programs Risk Becoming ‘Paper Parks’
June 12
  |  Carbon Market

As Everland’s Global Head of Business Development, I spend my days talking to customers which include several of the largest carbon credit buyers in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM). And alongside robust carbon accounting, what buyers most want to understand is the positive impact their money will have. For the high-integrity REDD+ projects that Everland […]

How Carbon Markets Can Serve as a Catalyst to a Low-carbon, Green Economy
June 6
  |  Carbon Market

Last week’s much anticipated Ecosystem Marketplace’s State of the Voluntary Carbon Market report made yet another significant contribution to making sense of the voluntary carbon market (VCM). The analysis found that, overall, the VCM contracted in 2023 for the second consecutive year, leading to a billion-dollar reduction in climate finance for the Global South. Of […]

Incidiendo eficazmente en la financiación climática: Lecciones de las comunidades indígenas y locales
May 3
  |  Carbon Market

Este artículo apareció por primera vez en el sitio web de Peoples Forests Partnership. Los mercados de carbono y otras formas de financiación climática se enfrentan a una crisis de confianza y credibilidad. Existe un potencial increíble para que los programas de financiamiento climático canalicen millones de dólares directamente a los pueblos indígenas y comunidades […]

How to effectively engage in climate finance: Lessons from indigenous and local communities
April 30
  |  Carbon Market

This article first appeared on the Peoples Forests Partnership website. Carbon markets and other forms of climate finance are facing a confidence and credibility crisis. There is incredible potential for climate finance programs to drive millions of dollars directly to indigenous peoples and local communities (IPs & LCs) who steward 36% of the world’s forests […]

Beetles in a Pay Stack: Stacking and Bundling in Biodiversity Credit Markets
April 29
  |  Biodiversity Market

This article was originally published on the Environmental Policy Innovation Center blog. What good is an ecosystem? Or rather, what goods are an ecosystem? Clean water and air, climate regulation, flood and erosion management, biodiversity and on and on. Can we value just one enough to get the rest for free? Should we put a […]

Companies and Carbon Credits: From Anecdote to Evidence
April 24
  |  Carbon Market

Last week, the Board of Trustees of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) announced that they will recognise the responsible use of carbon credits and other environmental attribute certificates toward a portion Scope 3 emissions for achieving net-zero targets. This is a significant milestone for the market, not just for companies with ambitions to decarbonise, […]
