REDD+ Partnership Meeting

(From the co-chairs of the REDD+ Partnership)
As discussed in Durban, we propose to hold a stand‐alone meeting focused on how best to scale up and  accelerate the deployment of finance for REDD+. This meeting would be an open meeting with an outreach  focus, and we intend to invite both those stakeholders who are familiar with the REDD+ Partnership, as well  as others who do not normally attend our meetings. We would invite a number of expert speakers to  present to us, and hold frank and practical discussions on a number of challenges and opportunities relating  to how to finance REDD+.  During the meeting, we would hope to promote REDD+ to those who may be able to help drive its progress  but are not yet acquainted with it, and also to learn lessons from outside the REDD+ world about how we  might advance REDD+. We would aim to build a more detailed understanding of how different sources of  finance, both market and non‐market, might practically operate. We do not propose to discuss the relative  value of market versus non‐market approaches: this is a matter for the negotiations.