Ambitious New Plan to Scale Up REDD+ Announced
Everland and partners announce an ambitious new plan to scale up community-based REDD+ projects by supporting the development of up to 75 tropical forest conservation projects in critical hot spots.

COP26 can be characterized by pledges, protests, and promises. One of the most significant and notable pledges was “The Glasgow Leaders’s Declaration on Forests and Land Use”. The pledge galvanized myriad actors in the carbon space, setting in motion further plans to tackle the climate crisis head-on via nature-based solutions.
Everland , a specialized conservation marketing company has launched The Forest Plan this past Thursday as a response to The Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use at COP26. This ambitious plan aims to scale up Everland’s portfolio of community-based Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) projects by supporting the development of up to 75 tropical forest conservation projects in critical hot spots. REDD+ projects and their positive outcomes can be found all over the world, including protecting and restoring flora and fauna within designated project areas, as well as supporting livelihoods for those that directly depend on the sustainable management of these tropical forests.
Everland has a proven track record of producing high quality REDD+ credits by working with and channeling funding to Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs). The Forest Plan aims to dramatically scale up this effort, helping project developers, communities, and governments working on the ground generate up to 90 million tons of Verified Emission Reductions (VERs) annually and over 800 million tons in total by 2030. Under The Forest Plan, projects will also be developed by Wildlife Works, the Wildlife Conservation Society, Wildlife Alliance, and other Everland partners.
The plan is expected to generate over $2 billion in financial flows over the next 10 years that’ll be streamlined towards community-based forest conservation projects. Everland’s Forest Plan will rely on ever evolving science-based approaches as well as addressing the economic root cause of forest loss and degradation.
Disclaimer: Everland is an EM Strategic Supporter and is also a partner with Forest Trends’ Communities and Territorial Governance Initiative.
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