The Initiative, announced at a ministerial meeting held at Reykjavik in September 2010, complements the international climate policy of the Nordic countries and forms part of their continuous efforts to stay at the forefront of effective climate mitigation action. A working group constituted for this Initiative held its first meeting in Stockholm on October 2010. The group‘s mission is to pilot the initiative and identify concrete options for up-scaled support for nationally appropriate mitigation action approaches in preparation of one or more Pilot Programmes.
Following extensive consultations, including several meetings held at COP 16 in Mexico, the countries selected for a feasibility study and, potentially, the implementation of Pilot Programmes were Peru and Vietnam. This report contains the results of the Feasibility Study conducted by GreenStream and Climate Focus, together with their local partners, FONAM (Peru) and ENERTEAM (Vietnam), in close co-operation with both host countries.
In March 2011, the Nordic Environment Ministers provided their strong support for the continuation of the Initiative into a pilot phase once the Feasibility Study phase is finalised.
The Feasibility Study consisted of an analysis of publicly available information, week-long missions of the working group to both countries and intensive stakeholder consultation. Meetings were held and interviews conducted with about 150 government officials, representatives of public institutions, of international organizations and from the private sector. As part of the Feasibility Study, Terms of References were also prepared for the selected Pilot Programme options
Download the report here (PDF)