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Not So Niche, Co-Benefits at the Intersection of Forest Carbon and Sustainable Development

By Allie Goldstein
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Carbon offsets are increasingly seen as a tool to support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as mitigate climate change, according to a new report from Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace, Not So Niche: Co-benefits at the Intersection of Forest Carbon and Sustainable Development.

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The report was based on responses to EM’s 2015 survey of forest carbon project developers from across the globe, 81 of whom reported on these multiple benefits. Collectively, these initiatives delivered the following impacts in 2014:

  • Clarifying land tenure for communities across 2.2 million (M) hectares of land;
  • Preserving biodiversity by protecting the habitats of 141 vulnerable or endangered species; and,
  • Creating nearly 8,000 jobs and training over 46,000 people in skills such as agroforestry and carbon accounting and monitoring.