Public Forum on the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)

This session is designed to inform and update the Washington science and policy communities on the rationale and plans for the IPBES, describe the progress at the first IPBES plenary session, and explore opportunities for scientists, scientific societies, and NGOs to contribute to both the shaping and the execution of IPBES, in order to maximize its value for both scientific understanding and policy formulation.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

The Seminar will be held in the Alfred Nobel Hall of the

House of Sweden

2900 K St, NW

Washington, DC.

Register online at


Moderator: Peter Raven, Chairman, USNC DIVERSITAS

2:00       Welcome and Opening Remarks: Global Threats to Ecosystems and Biodiversity

              Peter Raven, President Emeritus, Missouri Botanical Garden

2:30       Global Assessments and Policy Making: IPBES, IPCC, and the MA

              Thomas Lovejoy, Biodiversity Chair, Heinz Center for Science

3:00       IPBES and the Science-Policy Interface

              Charles Perrings, Professor of Environmental Economics, Arizona State University

              (via video link)

3:30       IPBES Negotiations:   What has been agreed, Questions still to come

              Douglas Beard, Chief, USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center

4:00       IPBES and the Science Community: Shaping and Carrying Out IPBES

              Panel with Representatives of Scientific Societies, Academic Institutions and NGOs

              Discussion and Suggestions from Audience