The first – and only – national hands-on conference for mitigation and conservation banking focuses on banking to protect endangered species and other natural resources in addition to wetlands. Formerly the National Mitigation & Conservation Banking Conference the conference presents the most up-to-date information in interactive sessions that range from how-to approaches to panels on emerging and multiple markets, risks involved, legal and tax problems, science and technology, and other issues unique to the industry. Federal and state agencies update participants on current legislative and regulatory approaches. Bankers share their experiences and new approaches. Add to the mix Primer Workshops, Regulators and Banker Forums, field trips, exhibits, posters and more.
The dialog between bankers, regulators, environmentalists and supporting government agencies is a primary focus of this annual conference.
Speakers and participants include experienced mitigation and conservation bankers, regulators, engineers, bank users, consultants, bonding firms, investors, realtors and developers, local and state governments, environmental nonprofits who maintain banks, and public interest groups.
Founded by the Terrene Institute in 1997, the Conference is now hosted by JT&A, inc., in cooperation with sponsors who include major players in the banking industry, federal agencies involved as regulators or users, and environmentalists.
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