UNFCCC Official Side Events (full schedule)
Official Side Event: How is REDD+ unfolding on the ground? An exploration of the social, political and biophysical issues
Themes: REDD+ in Africa – sub-national progress
Organizers: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
Time: 11:30—13:00
Location: Room 2
Forest Trends/Official Side Event: Pioneer experiences on indigenous REDD+ Initiatives: The Surui Forest Carbon Project
Themes: The Brazilian Surui REDD+ project – baseline development, strategy, Surui Fund and “nesting”
Organizers: Institute for Conservation and Sustainable Development of Amazonas (IDESAM) and Metareila
Time: 15:00—16:30
Location: Room 2
Official Side Event: Addressing REDD+ social and environmental safeguards: experiences using REDD+SES and other mechanisms
Themes: How Ecuador, Nepal, Acre (Brazil) and partners are addressing REDD+ social and environmental safeguards
Organizers: Conservation International and Ecudor
Time: 18:30—20:00
Location: Room 5
Official Side Event: REDD+ in Brazil: the participation of Sub-National Government in the implementation of REDD policies
Themes: Sub-national action on REDD, project “nesting” approach
Organizers: Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM)
Time: 20:15—21:45
Location: Room 2