U.S. National Opinion Survey on Stacking Environmental Credits

This report summarizes and analyzes the responses of a national survey entitled “Evaluation of Credit Stacking” that was developed
jointly by EPRI, the World Resources Institute, Stetson University College of Law and the University of Kentucky. The purpose of the
survey was to collect opinions about credit stacking from practitioners currently involved in environmental credit markets. The survey was conducted in the first quarter of 2010 and was sent to approximately 1,500 individuals residing primarily in the United States. After verification and removal of duplicate inputs, responses were received from 309 individuals. Respondents were asked to identify themselves as credit sellers, researchers, policy-makers, credit buyers or credit exchangers. Ninety-four percent of respondents identified themselves as either credit sellers, researchers or policymakers, and the responses from these groups were analyzed in depth.

Access the report here