2019 EM Carbon Survey Respondents
Thank you to all of the respondents to the 2019 EM Carbon Survey!
We sincerely thank EM Carbon Survey respondents for taking the time to share data and insights. We also are very grateful for our growing group of strategic supporters, interviewees, and report reviewers, that together tremendously strengthen our efforts to ensure delivery of timely and robust analysis of carbon pricing. If you’d like to collaborate with us on this effort, please contact EM’s Director, Stephen Donofrio ([email protected]).
Who are the Survey Respondents?
Every year, since 2006, Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace has distributed the EM Carbon Survey to our network of project developers, investors, retailers, and brokers to collect information about transactions during the previous year— along with detailed information about the sold offsets, including project type, location, and standard. These transactions can be grouped into primary market transactions (comprised of offsets sales from project developers to intermediaries or directly to end buyers) and secondary market transactions (comprised of offset sales among intermediaries or from intermediaries to end buyers). To avoid double-counting volumes reported by offset suppliers and brokers (who do not take offset ownership), we asked respondents to specify the volume of offsets transacted through a broker or exchange. When we identify an overlap (for example, a project developer reported transacting offsets to a broker, and the same broker responded with transaction information), the transaction was counted only once.
How does EM protect the confidentiality of survey responses?
EM publications present only aggregated survey data. All supplier-specific information is treated as confidential. Any supplier-specific transaction data mentioned in the text is already public information or approved by the supplier. Additionally, we do not identify prices or volumes from any country, project type, standard, or vintage for which we have data points provided by fewer than three organizations. We do not share supplier information with third parties without prior permission from the survey respondent.
Africa | |||
Respondent | Website | Location | Role |
Carbon Tanzania | carbontanzania.com | Tanzania | Project Developer |
Credible Carbon | crediblecarbon.com | South Africa | Broker |
Asia | |||
Respondent | Website | Location | Role |
BioCarbon Group Pte Ltd | biocarbongroup.com | Singapore | Retailer, Investor |
Climate Bridge Ltd. | climatebridge.com | China | Project Developer, Retailer |
EKI Energy Services Limited | enkingint.org | India | Project Developer Broker |
Infinite Solutions | infisolutions.org | India | Retailer |
KKI WARSI | warsi.id | Indonesia | Project Developer |
Nexus for Development | nexusfordevelopment.org | Singapore | Project Developer, Retailer, Broker |
Europe | |||
Respondent | Website | Location | Role |
ALLCOT AG | allcot.com | Switzerland | Project Developer |
Bischoff & Ditze Energy GmbH & Co. KG | bd-energy.com | Germany | Broker |
BOCS Foundation | hqfpc.bocs.cf | Hungary | Project Developer |
BOSQUES SOSTENIBLES S.L. | bosquessostenibles.com | Spain | Project Developer |
Carbonsink (Carbonsink Group S.r.l.) | carbonsink.it | Italy | Project Developer, Retailer |
China Carbon N.V. | chinacarbonfund.com | Netherlands | Retailer |
Climate Neutral Group | climateneutralgroup.com | Netherlands | Retailer |
CO2balance | co2balance.com | United Kingdom | Project Developer |
CO2OL/ForestFinest Consulting GmbH | co2ol.de | Germany | Project Developer, Retailer |
EcoAct | eco-act.com | France | Retailer |
Ecosphere+ | ecosphere.plus | United Kingdom | Retailer |
Face the Future | facethefuture.com | Netherlands | Project Developer |
Fair Recycling Foundation | fair-recycling.com | Switzerland | Retailer |
First Climate Markets AG | firstclimate.com | Germany | Retailer |
Forest Carbon Ltd | orestcarbon.co.uk | United Kingdom | Project Developer, Retailer, Investor |
GoodPlanet Foundation | goodplanet.org | France | Project Developer |
Hivos | hivoscarboncredits.org | Netherlands | Project Developer |
Lavola 1981, SAU | lavola.com | Spain | Retailer |
Livelihoods Fund | livelihoods.eu | Luxembourg | Project Developer, Investor |
myclimate | myclimate.org | Switzerland | Project Developer, Retailer |
Natural Capital Partners | naturalcapitalpartners.com | United Kingdom | Project Developer, Retailer |
Nordic Offset Oy | nordicoffset.com | Finland | Project Developer, Retailer |
Numerco Limited | numerco.com | United Kingdom | Retailer |
ONF International | onfinternational.org | France | Project Developer |
OurOffset Ltd | ouroffset.com | Hungary | Retailer |
Rainforest Concern | rainforestconcern.org | United Kingdom | Project Developer |
South Pole | southpole.com | Switzerland | Project Developer, Retailer |
United Purpose | united-purpose.org | United Kingdom | Project Developer |
University for Life Sciences | co2.boku.ac.at | Austria | Project Developer, Retailer |
Vertis Environmental Finance Ltd | vertis.com | Hungary | Retailer |
Vi-skogen/Vi Agroforestry | viagroforestry.org | Sweden | Project Developer, Retailer |
World Land Trust | worldlandtrust.org | United Kingdom | Project Developer Broker |
ZeroMission AB | zeromission.se | Sweden | Retailer |
Latin America & Caribbean | |||
Respondent | Website | Location | Role |
AMBIO | ambio.org.mx | Mexico | Project Developer |
Biofílica S.A. | biofilica.com.br | Brazil | Project Developer |
BIOFIX CONSULTING | biofix.co | Colombia | Project Developer |
CO2CERO | co2cero.co | Colombia | Project Developer, Retailer Investor |
Econegocios Occidente | econegocios.com.gt | Guatemala | Project Developer, Retailer |
EQAO | eqao.com.br | Brazil | Project Developer, Retailer |
Fondo Acción | fondoaccion.org | Colombia | Project Developer Broker |
Greenoxx | greenoxx.com | Uruguay | Project Developer |
Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda, IAP | hsierragorda.net | Mexico | Project Developer, Broker |
MÉXICO2 | mexico2.com.mx | Mexico | Broker |
Pacific Hydro Chile S.A. | pacifichydro.cl | Chile | Project Developer |
Pronatura México | pronatura.org.mx | Mexico | Broker |
Proyecto Mirador | proyectomirador.org | Honduras | Project Developer |
Sustainable Carbon | sustainablecarbon.com | Brazil | Project Developer |
WayCarbon | waycarbon.com | Brazil | Retailer |
North America | |||
Respondent | Website | Location | Role |
Arbor Day Foundation | arborday.org/carbon | United States | Retailer |
Bluesource | bluesource.com | United States | Project Developer, Retailer Investor |
Bonneville Environmental Foundation | b-e-f.org | United States | Retailer |
Carbone boréal | carboneboreal.uqac.ca | Canada | Project Developer |
Carbonfund.org Foundation | carbonfund.org | United States | Project Developer, Retailer |
Clean Air Action Corp | tist.org | United States | Project Developer |
ClearSky Climate Solutions | clearskyclimatesolutions.com | United States | Project Developer |
ClimeCo Corporation | climeco.com | United States | Project Developer, Retailer |
Code REDD / Stand For Trees | standfortrees.org | United States | Broker |
Community Forests International | forestsinternational.org | Canada | Project Developer |
Conservation International | conservation.org | United States | Project Developer |
Cool Effect | cooleffect.org | United States | Retailer |
COTAP / Carbon Offsets To Alleviate Poverty | cotap.org | United States | Retailer |
Ducks Unlimited | ducks.org | United States | Project Developer |
EcoTierra Inc. | ecotierra.co | Canada | Project Developer |
Element Markets | elementmarkets.com | United States | Project Developer, Retailer |
Environmental Attribute Advisors | enviadvi.com | United States | Broker |
Everland LLC | everlandmarketing.com | United States | Broker |
NativeEnergy, a Public Benefit Corporation | nativeenergy.com | United States | Retailer |
Second Nature | secondnature.org | United States | Project Developer |
Taking Root (Nicaragua) | takingroot.org | Canada | Project Developer |
The Conservation Fund | conservationfund.org | United States | Project Developer |
The Nature Conservancy | nature.org | United States | Project Developer |
Usal Redwood Forest Co. | rffi.org | United States | Project Developer |
Wildlife Conservation Society | wcs.org | United States | Project Developer |
Will Solutions | solutionswill.com | Canada | Project Developer |
Oceania | |||
Respondent | Website | Location | Role |
Carbon Forest Services Limited | carbonforestservices.co.nz | New Zealand | Retailer |
Carbon Neutral | carbonneutral.com.au | Australia | Project Developer, Retailer |
CBL Markets | cblmarkets.com | Australia | Broker |
CO2 Australia | co2australia.com.au | Australia | Project Developer, Retailer |
Cool Planet | coolplanet.com.au | Australia | Broker |
Enviro-Mark Solutions (Althelia Ecosphere) | enviro-mark.com | New Zealand | Retailer |
GreenCollar Group | greencollar.com.au | Australia | Project Developer |
Permanent Forests NZ Limited | permanentforests.com | New Zealand | Project Developer Broker |
Sigma Global | sigmaglobal.com.au | Australia | Project Developer, Retailer |