Breaking News: REDD+ Nagoya Workshop may be Cancelled
Ecosystem Marketplace has learned that the REDD+ Partnership workshop scheduled for Nagoya in the last week of October will be cancelled unless donors fill a $190,000 hole in the Partnership budget. Barring a last-minute solution, Partnership co-chair Junya Nakano will make the announcement this afternoon in Tianjin.

8 October 2010 |posted 0936 GMT | updated 1230GMT | Ecosystem Marketplace has confirmed that the REDD+ Partnership workshop scheduled for Nagoya in the last week of October will be cancelled unless donors fill a $190,000 hole in the Partnership budget. Partnership co-chair Junya Nakano will make the announcement at tonight’s Partnership meeting in Tianjin.
The meeting is set to begin at 7:50 pm local time (12:50 pm GMT).1
The Nagoya Workshop is designed in part to explore funding mechanisms for biodiversity finance under REDD+, and is scheduled to take place on the fringes of the tenth Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 10).
REDD+ Partnership was launched in March to fast-track financing mechanisms form reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD), and had set a target of 2011 to begin the first phase of implementation. With year-end climate-change talks in Cancun less than two months away, however, negotiations have stalled.
1 The time was originally reported as 6:30 pm local time.
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